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blog -起承転結-


独自の教科「教養」の成果 / Achievement of our original subject “Liberal Arts”

As I was making my rounds of each classroom, I stopped at a scene that was “as good as it gets”. It was the shoes removal area for high school seniors. Our school has its own subject “courtesy,” and since its foundation, we have placed importance on “education of the heart” to nurture a rich humanity. I felt that the results of these efforts were shown by the clean and neat “shoe removal area. In the evening, we will welcome 10 students from Tarakanita First High School and two accompanying teachers from Indonesia. After conducting a welcome ceremony at our school, the students will spend time with their host families at their homes.



夕刻には、本校国際連携センターの主導により、インドネシアよりタラカニタ第一高等学校10名の生徒と引率教員2名をお迎えします。本校で歓迎対面式を実施した後、ホストファミリーと各家庭で過ごしていただきます。19日まで楽しく充実した学校生活や姫路の魅力を伝えることができるようサポートしたいと思います。歓迎 ようこそ、姫路女学院中学校高等学校へ!

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