blog -起承転結-

blog -起承転結-


文化祭鑑賞記② / The school festival report ②

We invited many guests including members student’s families and nearby elementary school students for the second day of the festival. They enjoyed many performances and class exhibitions. This year we held a new event called the Hyakunin-Isshu contest. In the afternoon, we held The Identity contest (shortened to “Icon”). The purpose of this event is to allow students the opportunity show themselves and their talents to the audience. The important point is not just the students getting to show their strengths, but to be able to inform the audience. Students were well behaved and courteous towards our guests.
たくさんの皆様が訪問されるなかで、礼儀作法、おもてなしの心など教養実践を発揮する場ともなりました。この2日間、今この瞬間にしかない「Only one〜たったひとつの〜青春」を実感した文化祭になりました。