blog -起承転結-
「教育相談」が始まりました / New Year Wishes and consultations about education
Happy New Year! Our hearts go to people affected by devastating earthquakes in Noto Peninsula and the accident at Haneda Airport. Consultations about education have started at our school on January 4th, and teachers from different junior high schools had visited us. We are grateful that together with them we can aid our students and consider their possible future paths.We would like to have your support in reaching new students and their parents with information about our scholarship system. We look forward to your continuous support this year.
私ども本校教職員は、私学人として、建学の精神のもと公立にはない特色ある教育を展開してまいります。特に、「3つのP(Public 公共性、Protect 独自性、Pilot 開拓性)」を大切に、姫路女学院中学校・高等学校のめざす教育が十分できる環境づくりに努めますので、本年もどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。