blog -起承転結-

blog -起承転結-


中学校3年生修学旅行「帰校式」を行いました / School trip to Australia


The third year junior high school students who went to Australia for 9 days came back to school, and they reported to me about their trip. The students stayed at the dormitory of the Australian school they visited, and because of this, they were exposed to a lot of English, and got to partake in some classes at the school.

In addition, our students were partnered up with a student from the Australian school, in a buddy system, and some students formed friendships with their buddies. Before they left Japan, our high school principal told them three important points; always be thankful, try to do our school proud, and they should decide on a theme for the  trip. I asked them to reflect back on these three points. For many of the students, it was their first time overseas, and I felt they had all improved and grown over the nine days they spent in Australia.




