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blog -起承転結-


蒜山高原セミナーハウス宿泊研修始まる / Hiruzen Kogen Seminar House Overnight Training

Our school owns the “Suruga Gakuen Seminar House” in Hiruzen Kogen, Okayama Prefecture, which is exclusively used for training, and we hold overnight training programs at the beginning of each school year. The purpose of this training is to learn the joys of cooperation and desirable human relations through group activities, as well as to gain experience in basic lifestyle habits and public morals. The best part was that all participating students were in good health. I envy the students who were able to experience and learn in the great outdoors.



昨日4月24日(月)からの1泊2日の研修では、先ず Let’s cooking! で集団が「キラキラ」輝き、「SDGsって何?」で本校の特色ある学習の基礎を学んだようです。本日15時前に帰校しましたが、参加生徒全員が元気に過ごせたことが何よりでした。入れ替わりで、高校1年生の新入生オリエンテーション春研修が始まりました。
