blog -起承転結-

blog -起承転結-


部活動兵庫県新人戦の結果です / Results of Hyōgo Prefecture Amateurs’ Tournament

We are in the middle of the Hyōgo Prefecture Amateurs’ Tournament. Our high school soccer team lost their match against the Kōbe Kōryō High School team, which made it to the finals. We hope that they can make their comeback after spring. Junior high school volleyball team placed 4th in the Hyōgo Prefecture Tournament. That gave them a pass to the Kinki Area Championship this March. High school volleyball team showed everyone their unwavering stubbornness and advanced steadily to the finals. Unfortunately, they lost to the team from Hikami High School. However, it was such a great match that everyone is looking forward to the next game.




バレーボール部については、中学が兵庫県選手権大会でベスト4に入り3月に大阪で開催されます近畿大会への出場を決めました。全員1年生ながら、夏の県総体優勝の甲子園学院に勝利しベスト4に進出したのですが、KOBE DROPSにフルセット・デュースで競り合い敗れました。



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